What is this about?
A fully-online, people-focused hackathon bringing people together to use their skills to help combat the issues the world is facing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
By working with medical professionals and industry, we’ll provide the knowledge and tools to empower hackers to work towards around improving health, remote working and helping vulnerable populations.
How do I sign up?
This event has ended but you can still join our Discord server to chat with like-minded people. Be sure to check out all the submitted projects and the winners on DevPost!
To watch the events that were on our live stream, check out our YouTube channel!
Instead of having different challenges, at Hack Quarantine we've decided to have separate tracks. Your project doesn't have to fit perfectly into one track, it could be a mix and match of several (or all of them). We've chosen these tracks based on areas where we think that tech could be used to help solve some of the problems that the world is currently facing with the ongoing pandemic.

Supporting People Quarantined or At Risk
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This track is about finding ways to support people who are quarantined or self isolating at home, and helping At Risk people avoid catching it. Projects could include something to make it easier for individuals or groups to get food without leaving the house, or something to help with cabin fever!

Tech and Health
How can technology be used to help the doctors and nurses at the front line, or help with early detection. Anything from using a thermal camera to help with detection, or an app that makes it easier to work out where you've been for contact tracing.

Remote Working
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Remote working can be hard at the best of times, this track is about making it easier to be productive at home whilst not feeling so isolated. This could be by finding ways to improve communication or finding unique ways to make it easier for people to complete their roles outside of the office.

Improving Awareness and Behaviour
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With information changing every hour, it's getting very difficult for people to keep up on what they need to know. How can we use tech to get the public engaged and informed on the ongoing situation without causing panic. For this track you could create an app that reminds you to wash your hands whenever you enter a new building, or something that monitors your webcam to warn you when you've touched your face.
I've got a question!
A hackathon is an invention marathon where you can work with people around the globe to build a project related to technology! It isn’t about hacking into a system, it’s instead about hacking something together and learning a great deal in the process.
It’s an invention marathon like the traditional in-person hackathon, but held remotely!
Feel free to post on our shared blog platform!
We’ll have some online workshops, online side games and plenty of other fun activities to keep you busy throughout!
That would be great! We want to encourage as many different groups to host online sessions, including workshops, online games, or even just a short show-and-tell session with what people have done so far.
Feel free! Keep in mind that the event exists as an alternative to all the postponed / cancelled hackathons due to COVID-19, so take reasonable precautions to avoid infection!
Yep! Keep your teams to a maximum of 4 people please!
The event will be running for about three weeks from 23rd March to 12th April.
One of the biggest challenges of an online hackathon is internal communication with your team. We strongly suggest that you make a group chat with your team members! It is also key to be disciplined with your Git commits!
The organisers are using UTC and communicating in English. We want Hack Quarantine to be open and accessible for other timezones – if you want to help translate, let us know!
We’ll be reviewing submissions on our Devpost!
Absolutely not! The team behind Hack Quarantine is mostly made up of students, however anyone age 13 and above can give it a go!
We will have some online team building sessions, so it doesn’t matter if you’ve not got a team!
Yes, we will be following the MLH Code of Conduct!
We have an active Discord for communication, along with a shared blog for sharing your project updates and a forum where you can ask for help.
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